Alternative Worship Services

Alternative Worship Services:

In addition to our Sunday morning worship service, there are a number of other opportunities to gather for prayer and reflection at St. James United Church.

First and Third Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm: Inside-OUT

This time of reflection and discussion is unapologetically 2SLGBTQI+ focused, a space for people who identify as Queer to explore spirituality without having to censor themselves. This service is open to people of all faith traditions and none. It concludes with a time of socializing.

First Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm: Taizé Prayer

Based on the prayer tradition of the interchurch monastery in Taizé, France that is frequented by young people from all over the world, this reflective service uses chants, readings and periods of silence. The music is sung in many languages, repeating simple phrases from the Psalms and other Bible readings.

Second Saturday at 5:30 pm: Tapestry

Beginning with a potluck at 5:30 pm, this service celebrates the strands that make us who we are in terms of faith, experience, and identity. Based on a theme, the service makes use of popular music as its “hymnbook”. Participants are invited to bring a text or other media that represents the theme. Time is given for individual and shared reflection.

Fourth Sunday: Wild Light Spiritual Oasis (3 pm, locations vary – Generally the fourth Sunday of the month with some variation based on seasons and weather.)

This outdoor experience is not church outside but a time to seek connection with God in nature, often with a time of individual “wandering”, following an initial gathering as a group. Locations are chosen based on the time of year and participants are asked to dress for the weather.

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