St. James’ Public Health Notice
St. James’ Public Health Notice: March 17, 2022
Now that Public Health restrictions have been lifted, St. James will be taking a cautious approach toward our “new normal”. Public Health is still strongly recommending wearing masks, so we ask people to wear masks when entering or exiting the building and visiting the office or any part of the building for any purpose.
In addition to wearing masks, until further notice, groups or committees who use the building are asked to continue to sanitize the room’s items touched, following their meetings. Each group will decide their own protocols for participation in their activities and events according to their participants’ comfort level and agreement.
Worship — For worship, we strongly recommend wearing masks while entering, exiting, or moving around the building and while singing. Masks can be removed while seated. The choir/soloists can remove masks for singing as has been the practice. Social distancing is encouraged. Registration and assigned seating is no longer required.
These provisions are in place as “an abundance of caution” and will be reviewed in 30 days. Thank you for your usual co-operation and understanding.
Marilyn Adams, Council Chair