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Contemporary Worship – August 28, 2021

United Church of Canada – Pay It Forward

United Church of Canada – Pay It Forward

For just $25, you can give the gift of a two-shot dose of vaccine in a country still struggling through the worst of the pandemic and support the worldwide effort to protect people from COVID-19.

While people in Canada are receiving COVID-19 vaccines, people in many other parts of the world have no way to get them. Providing vaccines to these countries is only part of the story — the vaccines also have to get to the people who need them most. Support the worldwide effort to protect people from COVID-19, one vaccine at a time.

Your Gift will provide a complete COVID-19 vaccination to one person in a country where vaccines are in short supply.

Visit to make a direct donation or to find out more information about “Gifts with Vision”

St. James Visitor Submissions

Calling all members of St. James, We want to hear from you!

The “St. James Visitor” would like to include more content from our members, so we are putting the call out for submissions, and we would love to hear from you. What stories do you have to tell us? How has your faith helped you through these “unprecedented times”, or anytime for that matter? Have you written a short story? A poem?

You can submit your work/thoughts/ideas to the Administration & Communications Committee, and we will get in touch with you regarding your entry for any future issue of the “St. James Visitor”. Email your submission to St. James Office at with the subject “Visitor Submission”.

Please note: This is a file of submissions we are building for future issues of the “St. James Visitor,” so please don’t feel discouraged if you don’t see yours in an upcoming issue.

*All entries will be reviewed and edited for grammar and spelling.
*Submit only your own work.
*By submitting, you agree to allow St. James to publish your work. *All copyright
remains with the author.

Sunday Worship Messages from Rev. James Ravenscroft

New Feature Added to Our Website.

St. James United Church website now contains ‘Messages’ (Sermons) from Rev. James Ravenscroft’s Sunday worship services. The ‘Messages’ are available to download and view on our website in the top right-hand banner under the heading called “Sermons”.

Rev. Ravenscroft’s messages will be added weekly. We hope you enjoy reading them !!!

Life and Works of the Church August 29, 2021


Bulletin August 29, 2021


Message For August 22, 2021


Message For August 15, 2021


Message For August 8, 2021


Sunday Worship – August 22, 2021